Return Policy
At Starfire's Creations, we want you to be happy with your purchases. If, within 30 days, you are not satisfied with your purchase, Starfire's Creations will replace the item or provide a credit for the full merchandise amount less any shipping charges. Please send us an email at, let us know the reason you are unsatisfied, and we will get back to you within three business days regarding next steps.
Body care products are not returnable due to the nature of the items, but you may return items that are not body care products.
Returns cannot be shipped collect or C.O.D.
Returns should be shipped to:
Starfire's Creations
Attn: Carrie Batcheller
14 Jonathan Ln, Bow NH 03304
Please be sure to include the order number on the outside of the box, a copy of the email confirmation for your order, along with a reason for the return. Please allow 1-2 weeks for the processing of your return.
If you have any questions concerning your return, please contact us at